The search for funds never ends Many people who have tried their hand at real estate investing complain that the most difficult step to take is the initial one. When you are first starting your real estate investing venture, you will probably need a lot of money to buy your first property. This is when […]
Tag: Business Cash Flow
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Dishonest Sales in Real Estate Investing
Everything is not always what it seems Real estate investment needs a lot of cash and investor input efforts to try and works in rehabilitate the investment. The least desirable outcome that the investor expects is to discover that their investment is worthless. The repercussions can be devastating on both the investor and the business […]
Potential Cashflow Shortfalls When Venturing into Real Estate Investment
Cash needs cannot be ignored You will always hear the mantra that this or that business deals on the basis of cash on delivery. You will also meet business people who are not willing to give credit no matter what the circumstances. They will insist that you give them the money before they do any […]
Dealing With Liquidity Bottlenecks in Real Estate Investing
Assets without Cash When you buy property you have to make allowances for the fact that property is one of those assets which cannot easily be turned into cash. On the other hand you will need cash to run your business. This causes a dilemma if you have no really no cash flows coming in […]
Effective Cash Flow Management in Real Estate Investing
Cash flow is almost always crucial to the failure of many real estate investing projects. By their very nature the types of assets that you are likely to encounter in this sort of business are relatively less liquid than other assets. In this instance we take liquidity to mean the ease with which that asset […]